
Gastric balloon is a less-invasive or non-surgical weight loss procedure which involves the placement of saline-filled balloon into the stomach of obese people to suppress appetite and reduce foot intake. Most obese people prefer gastric balloon weight loss procedure which gives effective and long-term results in reducing and controlling their weight. Gastric balloon weight loss procedure is usually indicated for people with body mass index (BMI) of 27 or more.

Overweight people are encouraged to undergo gastric balloon weight loss surgery especially if they have allied health complications and risks like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, reproduction problems, cancer, osteoarthritis etc.

What does gastric balloon weight loss surgery involve?

Gastric balloon weight loss surgery is great alternative for those who don’t want to undergo surgery. A soft silicon balloon is placed by experienced medical practitioners using an endoscopic tube through the mouth down to oesophagus into the stomach of obese people for six months. Once the balloon is inserted in the stomach, it is filled with saline water through a catheter which is attached to the balloon. Once filled, an expert removes the catheter by gently pulling on its external end. The balloon fills the stomach that leads to the feeling of fullness.

Gastric balloon removal

Gastric balloon is typically removed in the same method it was placed in the stomach. The balloon is deflated by experienced doctor before being grasped and removed. After removal of balloon, you should follow the physician’s advice and adopt good healthy eating habits that will change your lifestyle and boost your confidence level.

Advantages of gastric balloon weight loss surgery

Gastric balloon weight loss surgery provides numerous advantages to obese people, including:

  • No medications

  • No surgery

  • No dangerous diet pills

  • No dissection

  • No gym membership

  • No expensive meals plans

  • Minimum downtime

Complications of balloon weight loss surgery

  • Gastric discomfort

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen

  • Abdominal or back pain

  • Gastroesophageal reflux or indigestion

FDA-approved gastric balloon weight loss procedure

Gastric balloon weight loss procedure is FDA- approved non-invasive weight loss alternative choice for obese people. This unique non-surgical weight loss procedure can be used in place of less-effective weight loss methods like dieting, diet pills, surgery and stand-alone exercise.

Lose weight 3 times faster than diet and exercise

Gastric balloon allows obese people have fresh start on weight loss to achieve the best results. The amount of weight loss is based on how strictly you follow your diet and adopt good eating habits. Weight loss varies from person to person but on average, you may lose your weight 3 times faster than diet and exercise programs alone.

For more information on Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Procedure, Gastric balloon weight loss surgery. Please visit :